Vol. 57 No 2 (2019)

On vowel prosthesis before sC in Substandard Latin and Koine Greek: a synoptic review

Serena Barchi
Sapienza Università di Roma

Publiée 2020-02-20


  • prosthesic vowel,
  • Substandard Latin,
  • Koine Greek


This paper aims at proposing a synoptic account of vowel prosthesis in word-initial sC in Substandard Latin and Koine Greek. A new recensioof the attestations in documentary texts suggests that the phenomenon was spread all around the Roman Empire, both in Substandard Latin and Koine Greek (§ 2). Different syntopic analysis have been subsequently provided in order to investigate both external and internal factors, namely to which level of variation this phenomenon is to be attributed in a diasystematic perspective and the phonotactic and prosodic contexts in which vowel prosthesis emerges (§§ 3, 4). Finally (§ 5), the diachronic path is taken into account focusing on the following topics: i. the relation between polygenesis and monogenesis, continuity and discontinuity; ii. Greek/Latin interference, in the attempt to establish which language is responsible for trigging; iii. phonological drifts in Substandard Latin which determined the creation of a word-initial pattern (viz. the deletion of initialex-, the simplification of #in+sC into #isCandthe aphaeresis of #VsC into #sC).


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