Vol. 62 No. 1 (2024)

Notes on geminatio consonantium in the Pelignan epigraphic corpus

Federico Iacozzilli
Università La Sapienza di Roma

Published 2024-07-11


  • Epigraphy,
  • Ortographic reforms,
  • Latin,
  • Paelignan


The Paelignian alphabet, like the one inherited from the Latins during the 4th-3rd century BC, did not originally distinguish graphically between weak and intense consonants. A careful analysis of the data from the Paelignian corpus reveals that the effects of the orthographic reform of the geminatio from Rome, which was spreading throughout the Latin community from the 2nd century BC, can also be found among the Paeligni. The close contacts over time between Latins and Paeligni, in the Abruzzi region, created a dense network of influences that is reflected in the epigraphic corpus of both languages. The graphic oscillations between geminated and weak forms found in the corpus of the Paeligni is to be understood as the result of a yet ‘imperfect’ or partial acceptance of the orthographic reform of the geminatio from Rome, mediated by the ‘dialectal’ or regional Latin environments.


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