Vol. 55 No. 1 (2017)

Quale Medio, quale Passivo? Riflessioni sulle diatesi in greco

Marina Benedetti
Università per Stranieri di Siena

Published 2017-05-24


  • voice,
  • middle,
  • passive


This paper is devoted to a reanalysis of the intersection between diathesis and voice in Ancient Greek (being diathesis here referred to functions and voice to forms), based upon the distributional analysis of voice markers and on the identification of pertinent oppositions. The coexistence of different typological orientations is highlighted, with reference both to the number and type of pertinent oppositions (Middle ~ non-Middle, Passive ~  non-Passive) and to the portion of the verb form encoding diathesis (endings / affixes / endings + affixes). The analysis proposed, centered upon the situation of Ancient Greek, nevertheless offers clues for describing some developments into Modern Greek.


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