Vol. 57 No. 1 (2019)

Equivalenza semantica fra tedesco e italiano: un’analisi contrastiva di bis (zu) e fin(o) (a)

Patrizio Malloggi
Università di Pisa

Published 2019-07-01


  • Key words,
  • semantic equivalents,
  • interval in space and time,
  • prepositions,
  • inherent meaning of punctualness or durativeness of verbs,
  • focalizers.
  • ...More


Semantic equivalence between German and Italian: a contrastive analysis of bis (zu) and fin(o) (a)


Bis and fin(o) are considered in bilingual dictionaries to be semantic equivalents of translation as the one represents the word translation of the other one. Moreover, both lexemes share another semantic property as they indicate the final point of an interval in space between tow objects, people or in time between two events or actions. This article aims at verifying and proving whether bis and fin(o) can actually be considered as semantic equivalents on the basis of specifically described semantic features of both lexemes. Specifically, we carried out a qualitative contrastive investigation into comparable corpora of German and Italian so as to have an empirical means to support the objective of the present study. The contrastive analysis will be extended to other languages, such as English and French, in order to get a generalization across different languages of the same semantic features.


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