
Studi e Saggi Linguistici was founded in 1961 by Tristano Bolelli. Originally a supplement to the journal L’Italia Dialettale, it became an independent publication in 2004 under the joint direction of Romano Lazzeroni and Giovanna Marotta.

The journal welcomes original contributions, which are reviewed by the Editorial Board and two anonymous referees.

In keeping with its tradition, while maintaining a particular focus on historical linguistics and general linguistics, the journal publishes scientific articles from all areas of the discipline, without bias towards specific methodological approaches or theoretical frameworks.

The journal is published biannually. It also includes special issues on topics considered particularly significant within the discipline. In the second issue of each year, the ‘Reviews’ section features contributions on recent publications, while the ‘Discussions’ section occasionally hosts pieces on topics of contemporary scientific debate.

Studi e Saggi Linguistici is classified as an ANVUR A-rank scientific journal (Area 10) and is indexed in ERIH Plus (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences), L’Année Philologique, Linguistic Bibliography, MLA Database, and Scopus.

Principal contact: Giovanna Marotta, Università di Pisa, giovanna.marotta@unipi.it

Technical and editorial support: Marta Vero, Edizioni ETS, journals@edizioniets.com

Current IssueVol 62, No 2 (2024)

Published December 23, 2024


Table of Contents



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