Vol. 61 No 2 (2023)

Revisión y actualización de algunos dendrónimos indoeuropeos

Esteban Ngomo Fernández
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Ayora Estevan Daniel
Fagiolo Virna
Università Roma Tre/Sapienza Università di Roma

Publiée 2024-01-24


  • Indo-European language,
  • Dendronymy,
  • Celtiberian language,
  • Linguistics


This paper offers an approach to Indo-European dendronymy. The research on this field of study, neglected in recent years, is the main goal as well as the updating and reviewing certain etymons contained in Mallory-Adams's Dictionary (1997). The more recent documentation and the growth of knowledge in Indo-European languages that back in time were poorly attested, like Celtiberian language, will let us review and update the etymons and offer new cognates for it.


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