Vol. 52 No 2 (2014)

Schizofrenia e deissi

Francesca M. Dovetto
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Publiée 2014-10-03


  • spoken communication,
  • language pathologies,
  • deixis.


The main features of spoken language are at present well known to scholars, owing to the many corpora existing nowadays. As regards some pathologies, however, this does not seem to have had a significant effect on the analysis of the linguistic productions of patients affected by language disorders. This appears to be the case of the symptoms of schizophrenia, which, although identified by the use of certain linguistic phenomena, are mostly studied and classified according only to the report of the analyst and / or to the written production of patients. A major research gap in the specific bibliography is therefore primarily to be found in the lack of attention paid to diamesic variation, whereas in delirious psychosis oral language and written language appear to be significantly different varieties, each of them requiring a targeted analysis applying methodologies specifically developed for this object of study.

We intend to show the peculiarities of this type of speech as they emerge from the analysis of a corpus of spoken pathological / schizophrenic Italian (CIPPS), in which the recording of 'perilinguistic' and 'paralinguistic' elements plays an important role. Compared with some early analysis of dialogic materials contained in this same corpus CIPPS, this paper will explore the use of deixis and in particular the mode of occurrence of deictic I / you, as well as the semantics of both temporal and spatial deixis.