Style sheet

Authors interested in submitting a contribution to Studi e Saggi Linguistici must format their papers in strict agreement with the Style Sheet below. Following acceptance for publication, final manuscripts must be submitted through OJS in compliance with the specified time-frame, or as an email attachment to the Editorial Assistants. The manuscript must be submitted in MS Word and a corresponding PDF file.

1. Author(s) information

At the end of the paper, and before the References, Author’s name, affiliation (Faculty, University, and address), and email must be indicated. This information will be used for correspondence with the Editorial Assistants.

2. Sections and Footnotes

The paper should be divided in sections and, in case, subsections. Section numbering begins with the Introduction (if present, it must be labelled ‘1’, not ‘0’). Section headings must be italicized. Footnotes (not endnotes) must be used.

3. Fonts

The True Type is required by the Publisher. If special and/or unusual fonts are used, they must be sent as a PDF file to Publisher’s Editorial Office (Mrs. Isabella De Angelis; email:

4. Style

Words to be highlighted may be italicized, or included in single quotation marks (‘…’). Double quotation marks (“…”) must be used for translations. Bold and underline should be avoided: the former makes reading heavy, and the latter can be easily replaced by italics. This convention does not apply to special cases, where possible departures are made explicit and justified.

5. Quotations

Quotations must conform the following format: author’s name, year of publication, and number of page(s). Thus, the format is unified for both books and journal articles.


Quotations within the main text or footnotes must be included between guillemets (also known as French quotation marks: « »). Long quotations should be set out as a separate paragraph within the main text without any quotation marks. In this case, smaller font-size and margin indent must be used. Example:

In its novels, Akutagawa wrote as follows:

Egli riteneva che la cultura giapponese da cinquant'anni a questa parte materialmente avesse fatto grandi passi in avanti, ma che spiritualmente non avesse migliorato in alcun modo. Anzi, sotto un certo punto di vista, essa si è degradata (Akutagawa, 1950: 34).

If an author is quoted in footnotes, small caps must be used for his/her name..

6. Linguistic data

Foreign language words must be italicized. Examples must be separated from the main body of the text, numbered, translated, and, possibly, glossed (in case, a list of the abbreviations used in glossed should be provided):

Hindi (Mohanan, 1990:104)

(1) a. Ilaa-ne   (*baccaa) uTaayaa
  Ila-ERG child-ACC (*child) ift.PERF
  “Ila lifted a/the child”.
b. Ilaa-ne haar uTaayaa
  Ila-ERG necklace lift.PERF
“Ila lifted a/the necklace”.

7. Figures and Tables

Figures and Tables must be numbered and labelled. Table legends must be underneath their respective Figure and/or Table, conforming to the following model:

Table 1. State verbs as a scalar category (Gaeta, 2002: 138)

8. Final references

Bibliographical references appear at the end of the paper, and must be alphabetically-ordered. Different contributions of the same author must be chronologically-ordered: Rossi, E. (1992); Rossi, E. (1993a); Rossi, E. (1993b); Rossi e Carli (1999). Titles must be italicized. The Publisher appears before the place of publication. The names of both authors and editors must be in small caps.


- Articles in Journal:

Holmes, J. (1984), Modifying illocutionary force, in «Journal of Pragmatics», 8, pp. 345-365. Kelly, S. D., Ward, S., Creigh, P. e Bartolotti, J. (2007), An intentional stance modulates the integration of gesture and speech during comprehension, in «Brain and Language», 101, 3, pp. 222-233.

- Articles within Book:

Lieberman, P. (2003), Motor control, speech and evolution of human language, in Christiansen, M. H. e Kirby, S. (2003, eds.), Language Evolution, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 255-271.
Verdi, A. (1992), La grammatica greca, in Rossi, M. (1992, a cura di), L’indoeuropeo, Franco Angeli, Milano, pp. 1-32.
Zwicky, A.M. e Pullum, G.K. (1987), Plain morphology and expressive morphology, in Aske, J., Beery, N., Michaelis, L. e Filip, H. (1987, eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society, Berkeley Linguistic Society, Berkeley, pp. 330-340.

- Books:

Kendon, A. (2004), Gesture: Visible Action as Utterance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Horn, L.R. (1989), A Natural History of Negation, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago-London.
Weber, M. (1921), Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Mohr, Tübingen; trad. it. di Rossi, P. (1968), Economia e società, Edizioni di Comunità, Milano.

- Reviews:

Vitti, R. (2009), Recensione a Kendon, A. (2004), Gesture: Visible Action as Utterance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, in «Journal of Linguistics», 9, pp. 35-65.

In case of contributions quoted from non-first editions, the first edition must be indicated between square brackets:

Comrie, B. (1989, [19811]). Language universals and linguistic typology: syntax and morphology, Blackwell, Oxford.