La formazione dei suffissi andronimici greci: percorsi semantici e dinamiche del mutamento
Published 2024-01-24
- andronymic suffixes – Greek – linguistic change
This paper reconstructs the historical paths and semantic principles that guided the formation of the andronymic suffixes -αινα and -ίνα in the Greek linguistic domain. The history and configuration of the functional arrangements of the two suffixes in Greek illustrate two different paths of formation and exemplify as many patterns and dynamics of change: reduction on the one hand and the creation of functional domains on the other. The directions of these dynamics are oppositely oriented and proceed in the reverse direction, according to a more general principle, the conceptual core of which is condensed, for example, in Lazzeroni (2005). According to this principle, in a sequence of categories organised hierarchically around a prototype (in our case, the noun classes with the highest degree of animacy), the erasure of forms and functions proceeds from the periphery towards the centre, while, conversely, the creation of new forms and functions proceeds from the centre towards the periphery.
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