
Lo spazio nella lingua, lo spazio della lingua: Greco, Latino e Sumerico a confronto

Domenico Silvestri
Via Ernesto Murolo 5 - 80123 Napoli (Italy)

Pubblicato 2010-01-16


In the frame of nonconcatenative (Greek and Latin) vs concatenative morphology (Sumerian) the autor starts with two “prologues”, a neurolin- guistic and a phenomenological one, and adds furthermore a “Catullian” incipit (with an “Ovidian taster”) in order to show two different “spaces” (the first one “in language”, the second one “of language”). Across two “re- readings” (Benveniste, Aristotle) this paper deals with various subjects of Greek (e.g. prepositions and adverbs as spatial indicators in strict relation with their condition of “government” in the former case, the deictic oxytone of the prepositions and the enunciative baritone of the adverbs...), Latin (e.g. the endomorphic, apophonic variations with the alternative o, “zero” of the preposition opi-, p-....) and Sumerian (e.g. exemples of space “in language”: BAR “(what is) outside”, from which the word b a r b a r ‘barba- rous’, i.e. ‘extreme’; š a ‘heart’ (locative), i g i ‘eyes’ (terminative), š u ‘hands’ (ablative); other exemples of space “of language”: g ù ... dé ‘pour the voice > speak’; the marking of direct speech and the “spatiality” of the postpositions in Sumerian...).