V. 57 N. 2 (2019)

Lexical subordination and compounding. Pāṇini's focusing on the non-head

Maria Piera Candotti
Università di Pisa
Tiziana Pontillo
Università di Cagliari

Pubblicato 2020-02-20

Parole chiave

  • syntactic head,
  • subordination,
  • frozen case,
  • upasarjana,
  • Pāṇini


In modern linguistics since American Structuralism onwards the notion of ‘head’ as “the most important constituent” has been the main target of the analysis devoted to syntagms and compounds. This notion nevertheless has some serious drawbacks, which are increasingly discussed from different points of view and methodologies in recent studies. In this paper we try to face some of this issues by interpreting them in the light of Pāṇini’s marked choice of concentrating on the ‘non-head’ constituent of complex words - precisely on the upasarjana. Pāṇini's approach is here submitted to the attention of modern scholars by virtue of its accounting for the undeniable 'non-secondary' role of the subordinate element whose specifying function with all its lexical and figural strength prevails over the identifying role of the head with which it combines.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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